Mental Health Issues in Menopause
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Copyright (c) 2023 Dr Vivek Kumar, Dr. Asish Kumar , Prof (Dr) Vipul Singh

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Menopause is an inevitable phase of life in women which comes with various physical and mental health issues. Middle age, specifically the fourth decade of life is the common age for the onset of menopause in which fluctuation in sex steroid hormones leads to physical as well as mental symptoms. More than 85% of women have reported Vasomotor symptoms in terms of hot flashes and night sweats which is one of the earliest symptoms, begins in the menopausal transition and gradually progresses and lasts around 5-6 years. Anxiety disorders are quite prevalent and most of the time comorbid with depression. Common presentation is usually in the form of generalized anxiety and Panic attack symptoms. Mood swings, irritability, and anxiety symptoms are heightened in the menopausal transition. Cognitive impairment during menopausal transition and post-menopause such as disturbance in concentration and memory is very common at this age.Abstract
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