Journal History
The Journal has been started with a vision to provide a dedicated space to the research happening in clinical psychiatry under the umbrella of Indian Psychiatric Society Uttar Pradesh Branch.
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Review Process
This journal uses double-blind review, which means that both the reviewer and author identities are concealed from the reviewers, and vice versa, throughout the review process. To facilitate this, authors need to ensure that their manuscripts are prepared in a way that does not give away their identity.
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Author Guidelines
Articles must be submitted online at Submission link. New authors can submit through simple registration process and that account will remain for all future submissions and communications.
Link - https://ijocp.com/index.php/IJOCP/about/submissions
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Publication Frequency
The Journal IJOCP publishes 2 issues in a volume for 2021 and will communicate the development in future.

Publication Ethics
Authors are expected to follow the submission and research guidelines as described under and comply under the guidelines of the International Council of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE), World Association of Medical Editors (WAME).

Open Access is free online research made available by journals like us by not charging any fees on content submitted article or any published material. We strive to open access knowledge
About the Journal
Indian Journal of Clinical Psychiatry (IJCP) is the official journal of the Indian Psychiatric Society Uttar Pradesh Branch. It is published biannually. It is a comprehensive journal for mental health professionals, allied disciplines, and mental health policymakers. Emerging knowledge of the highest quality in psychiatry, the latest technological enhancements, and developments of psychological interventions are shared in a timely and practical manner for clinical and professional use.
The journal publishes peer-reviewed original research articles, review articles, commentaries on significant articles, case reports, perspectives, viewpoints (opinions), arts in psychiatry, and letters to the editor. All papers are peer-reviewed before publication. The journal provides immediate free access to all the published articles. The journal does not charge the authors for submission, processing, or publication of the articles.