Predictors of Perceived Stress Among Healthcare Workers During COVID-19: A Cross-sectional Study from North India



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  • Pawan K Gupta Department of Psychiatry, King George’s Medical University, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India
  • Manu Agarwal Department of Psychiatry, King George’s Medical University, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India
  • Shweta Singh Department of Psychiatry, King George’s Medical University, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India
  • Pronob K Dalal Department of Psychiatry, King George’s Medical University, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India
  • Vivek Agarwal Department of Psychiatry, King George’s Medical University, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India
  • Anil Nischal Department of Psychiatry, King George’s Medical University, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India
  • Bandna Gupta Department of Psychiatry, King George’s Medical University, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India
  • Adarsh Tripathi Department of Psychiatry, King George’s Medical University, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India
  • Amit Arya Department of Psychiatry, King George’s Medical University, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India
  • Pooja Mahour Department of Psychiatry, King George’s Medical University, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India
  • Sujita Kar Department of Psychiatry, King George’s Medical University, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India
  • Deepanshu Mishra Department of Biostatistics, Lucknow University, Uttar Pradesh, India
  • Vishal Gupta District Early Intervention Centre, Department of Psychiatry, King George’s Medical University, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India


Background: During current pandemic, health care workers (HCWs), found to be a vulnerable group for experiencing psychological and psychiatric difficulties owing to direct or indirect involvement with COVID-19 patients. This study was organized to measure perceived stress and coping styles among HCWs of a tertiary care hospital in Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh.

Methods: A cross-sectional, online self-reported questionnaire-based study was conducted among HCWs. Cohen’s perceived stress scale, and Brief COPE were used. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and multiple regression analysis.

Results: A total of 298 HCWs responded; most of them perceived a Moderate Stress (63.8%) followed by Low Stress (24.2%) and high stress (12.1%). In terms of severity of perceived stress and coping styles there were significant differences based on gender, marital status, family type, occupation and work status regarding COVID duties. Age and gender predicted perceived stress. Perceived stress also predicted suicidal thoughts but not mania and psychotic symptoms.

Conclusion: A substantial proportion of HCWs perceive moderate to elevated levels of stress during the pandemic which varies based on their gender, family type, marital status, occupation, and work status. Hence, there is a need for routine screening and interventions for HCWs at an early stage before they perform duties as frontline workers.

How to Cite

Gupta, P. K., Agarwal, M., Singh, S., Dalal, P. K., Agarwal, V., Nischal, A., … Gupta, V. (2022). Predictors of Perceived Stress Among Healthcare Workers During COVID-19: A Cross-sectional Study from North India. Indian Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 2(01), 19–27. Retrieved from


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